School dinners for 100 children
Product code: OU2541 Product description Jamie Oliver doesn’t have a monopoly on nutritious school dinners. We feed thousands of youngsters every day, the difference is that their school lunch may be the only meal they get. As any teacher will tell you, it’s easier to feed hungry minds if you’ve fed hungry mouths first. As well as providing nourishment, meals encourage children to attend school and help them concentrate and learn better. Just a few pounds will buy a dinner for 100 children. Now that’s food for thought. How this gift helps "In pastoralist areas in West Africa, the presence of a functioning canteen is probably the single most important factor in a parent's decision to keep his or her child in school during acute food shortages. Having school meals available often determines whether a child learns to read and write" Ali Bouneima, Oxfam Partner, Niger |