Quantitative Research and Analysis...

Alternative Minds undertake quantitative research on many topics, the results feeding directly into organisational policy-making, strategies and marketing plans. Our experience means we can save organisations from falling into traps that many do not avoid - from poor problem definition to not fully comprehending the true statistical significance of the results.

Our experience ensures the quantitative research is designed and conducted to meet the needs of your organisation, from problem definition, choice of methodology, questions to be asked, specification of measurement scales, sample design, identification of total population, determining a representative sample size, data collection methodology, codification, consistency checking, substitutions / deletions, weighting, dummy variables, scale transformations, scale standardisation and tests for statistical significance.

Alternative Minds then interpret and integrate the results and findings, clearly highlighting in a detailed report exactly what the results mean and do not mean. We also document what conclusions can be drawn and how do these findings relate to previous / future research projects. We deliver a detailed report to you with charts and diagrams suitable for onward use within your organisation.